
Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now closed!

Thank you to all abstract submitters for your contribution to the scientific programme!

Please contact esska-abstracts@kit-group.org in case of questions.

Why submit your abstract?

  • Share your research with your peers and leaders in the field
  • Opportunity to discuss your controversial clinical cases with experts
  • Opportunity to be selected for Free Paper sessions
  • All accepted abstracts displayed as ePosters during the meeting
  • The top 300 abstracts uploaded onto the prestigious ESSKA Academy
  • Best abstract and best poster awards !

Important dates


22 September 2023: Deadline to submit your abstract(s)

Mid-December 2023: Notifications to the abstract submitters

Please note that the abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.

ESSKA Congress Abstracts Awards


All submitted abstracts will be considered for the ESSKA Congress abstract awards with prizes worth up to €3,000!

Poster Presenter Guidelines

The ePoster presenters’ guidelines are now available.

If you have accepted your role and registered for the congress, you should have received an email with the instructions to upload your poster.

If you haven’t received this email, please contact baggetta.elena@esska.org.

Thank you.

Abstract Submission Topics